Introducing #PepsiChallenge
With the promise of "What if you ignored your usual thoughts and did something different?", Pepsi is blending packaging with marketing, social media and charity campaign.
Pepsi puts creative control in the hands of fans with the #PEPSICHALLENGE. Consumers have the extraordinary opportunity to re-envision the universally celebrated and recognized can with their own special designs and creative flair in the "Live For Now" Design Challenge. To launch the event, world-renowned fashion designer and creative director, Nichola Formichetti showcases his concept that serves as inspiration.
“The Pepsi Challenge is all abut encouraging consumers around the world to step out of their comfort zone and accept a new challenge and opportunity.
Design has long been a haven for those who dare to do differently, so we wanted one of our first global challenges to connect with this bold creative class directly. ”
I'm personally quite curious to see how this campaign will be received by the public. Will it feel genuine or yet another commercial stunt?
Between the two, my heart balances!